Saturday, August 18, 2007

Raising the Moso FAD

This Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) was deployed approximately 18 months ago by the Port Vila Game Fishing Club off the coast of Moso in 650 metres of water, anchored to the bottom with 2 concrete blocks, each weighing 450 kg. While the FAD did attract fish, it was not as effective as predicted, most likely because it was placed too close to the coast and out of the major current.

It was decided by the club to retrieve the FAD, refurbish it, and re-deploy it a further 3 nautical miles out to sea. This was an excellent opportunity to study the wear and tear on the components as research for future FADS.


Janet said...

Did you shoot these photos underwater?

Terry Moloney said...

Sure did. I hired a camera from the local dive shop.

• Eliane • said...

Ha! Just got the answer to my previous question.